Project : Nepal Experience—尼泊爾體驗及志工計畫
尼泊爾,是世界上唯一的印度教王國,正往民主方面邁進了一大步。 我們推薦您可以在尼泊爾做志工,這裡是一個極其美麗和神秘的國家,其中包含很多活潑的居民和有趣的景點,讓您有個難忘的回憶。 珠穆朗瑪峰位於這個國家,有很多登山者在這裡練習登山。 它也因Gorkhas的存在而受歡迎的。 自兩年前在尼泊爾開始我們的計畫以來,我們已經為遊客發現了許多隱藏的寶石。 目的地有Chitwan和Pokhara,是冒險家和裸體主義者的天堂。 我們在尼泊爾為所有參與者和合作夥伴提供了許多志工機會。
地點:Kathmandu, Nepal - 加德滿都 (尼泊爾首都)
Chitwan National Park (奇旺國家公園)—1984年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界自然遺產
Child Care Volunteer
Daily caring for and help with Basic English of children from underprivileged communities is one of the most satisfying and popular of volunteering activities. Overall purpose of these projects is to provide a higher standard of care to infant's children in different public and privately-run facilities by providing hands-on support on a day to day basic.
Caring for ages people
With societies becoming increasingly individualistic around the world, the elderly and the inform and vulnerable lot. Old age homes and providing care and shelter for those people of the lost generation whose families are either too poor to take care of them or too uncaring.
加拿大一向以高品質的生活條件、無污染的天然環境,被聯合國評定為全世界最適合居住的國家。 溫哥華位於西岸太平洋的門戶,被喻為加拿大... 閱讀更多
First Time Voluteers in Action - Jaipur, India
Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and passions. Doing volun... 閱讀更多
Volunteering and Environmental Protection
Dead Copper (Bronze Whaler) shark due to Orca predation A three meter long Copper shark (also known as the bronze whaler shark)... 閱讀更多