在約旦與國際志工總部一起參與各種志工海外計畫,包括青年鼓勵、教學、需求贊助、藝術和音樂、婦女教育和獨特的齋月計畫。 約旦志工的總部在繁華的首都安曼,提供志工機會。整個安曼地區和附近的馬達巴市都包含在內。 作為全球最受歡迎且價格合理的志工旅行組織,IVHQ很開心能成為約旦志工服務的可靠選擇。
Project:Volunteer in Jordan—約旦志工計畫
地點:Amman, Jordan 安曼, 約旦
※提供在地阿拉伯語言自費課程 (10-40小時)
Youth Support
As a volunteer, you'll work in community centers and act as a positive role model for young people aged between 6-18 years old. You can do anything from assisting with homework, supporting and encouraging studies in English, helping with arts and crafts activities, sports or any general work that needs to be done at the center. A large focus of this project is to teach English in an informal way, by interacting with the young people at the center to improve their oral and written English language skills, which is often one of their biggest difficulties.
Special Needs Support
Volunteers assist a team of local staff and fellow volunteers helping to run educational lessons, games and activities such as arts and crafts, tapestry and woodwork for children and adults who attend the special needs centers each day. For those with relevant training or experience, your tasks can also include assisting with treatment, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation.
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Project:Volunteer in New Zealand—紐西蘭志工計畫 在紐西蘭與國際志工總部一起當志工,是世界上最經濟實惠和最值得信賴的志工組織。 志工... 閱讀更多
企業實習—美國旅館餐飲 餐廳篇(下)
Pine Hollow Country Club餐旅管理實習心得 (下) 工作了這麼久,也是時候去大買特買了。是我跟一群同事們,去最近的賣場買的戰利品, 左... 閱讀更多