Giving Africa A Fighting Chance
The Impact of Meaningful Experiences … Enjoy Africa!
Participants from all over the globe are coming to learn and immerse themselves in the rich culture and history that is unique to countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya and Malawi.

They have come to give their time and energy but have come away with so much more than they anticipated. Their hearts and minds are touched, their spirits are uplifted and their own sense of purpose is renewed.
Some come for 2 weeks and pledge to return, some come for 8 weeks and begin to move as comfortably through the community as the locals. They treasure each moment of interaction and grin from ear to ear when the school children call them by name.
As they run their feet through sandy beaches or wash the red clay soil from their shoes each day, there is a sense of purposeful connection that beams proudly and confidently.
For most this opportunity was about doing good and having a chance to appreciate something very different. But it always turns out to be so much more. It becomes the pivotal moment where they know that things will never be the same. Their own vision of the world and themselves has been transformed by a new lens for seeing and being.
These communities in the Maasai Mara, beaches of Zanzibar, hills of Kigali, and villages of Kajjansi are eagerly awaiting your presence with open and welcoming arms.
Come and experience the natural beauty, fresh food, lively music, and smiling faces of some of the best people you will ever meet. You won’t be disappointed.
For more imformation : https://asiacamps.org/

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