English + Work Opportunities in Ireland
Now more than ever young people are searching for opportunities to help kick start their careers. Did you know that we offer a range o... 閱讀更多
Now more than ever young people are searching for opportunities to help kick start their careers. Did you know that we offer a range o... 閱讀更多
ARRIVE IN CAPE TOWN & DAY AT LEISURE Arrive at Cape Town International Airport Cape Town offers a diversity of cultures, cuisines, a... 閱讀更多
疫情對求職市場的影響大家都知道,暫緩徵才、人事凍結、無薪假、被砍班等等, 生活上的不易,即使自己幸運地在此浪潮中存活下來,相信或... 閱讀更多
面對求職時,最令人感到緊張不安的應該就是面試階段了,不論你要應徵哪類企業,大部分雇主通常都會進行長短不一的英語面試,即便應徵國內的外商... 閱讀更多
面臨找工作換工作時你是否也曾經心裡惶惶不安,腦袋瓜裡可能浮現了許多不同面向的問題困擾著你, 此時如果在求職的路上有一位職涯策略師或... 閱讀更多
你是否也曾下定決心要把英語學好而訂了不同的英語學習雜誌來鞭策自己呢?剛開始你可能很自信一定不會浪費訂閱1或2年的雜誌費用,鬥志高昂的認真跟著雜... 閱讀更多
每天只要十分鐘就可以學好英語口說能力,讓Karen Chung教授獨創的Echo Method(回音法)拯救你英文吧! 你是否有也覺得自己英語能力最好的時... 閱讀更多
What are the symptoms of the virus from Wuhan in China, how does it spread, how many people have died and when should you call a doctor?... 閱讀更多
出發前,朋友總問我,「國家公園不會太偏僻嗎? 」「下班一定會很無聊」 接下來的文章我將會提到我的下班日常、宿舍生活以及在那裡都吃了些什麼,往下... 閱讀更多