Project : Learn English & Child Care—學英語及兒童照護計畫
因種族隔離歷史的發生,南非的鄉鎮正面臨高失業率、愛滋病毒/愛滋病、貧困環境和藥物濫用的影響。 導致許多兒童易受傷害及感染,因無法接受教育而長期處於劣勢的地位。
時間 : 每個月的第一個星期一 (12月除外),為期3~12週
住宿:Hout Bay Backpackers (包三餐)
Your Role
Initially your role will be that of a student on the English course. You will be commuting each day from the volunteer base in Hout Bay to the Language School in Cape Town.
As a volunteer you may get involved in many of the following activities
1. Teaching English and maths and marking worksheets
2. Leading role play and imagination activities
3. Designing activities that support the syllabus
4. Reading stories & facilitating learning through storytelling
5. Giving support and attention to the children
6. Organizing games & sports activities to help them learn
7. Assisting with preparing and serving meals
8. Teaching basic life skills including teeth cleaning & hygiene
As a volunteer you may get involved in many of th
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Oxford Royale Academy是一家暑期教育培訓機構,在英國牛津大學、劍橋大學、倫敦帝國學院和其他知名大學舉辦各色各樣的暑期課程。 13-18歲暑期學校... 閱讀更多
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