Paul Anka - My Home Town
Paul Anka,美國Billboard告示牌排行榜譽為有史以來最成功的歌手,這位加拿大最成功的巨星、西洋樂壇最重要的創作者/歌手。
(點我) Youtube連結 :
I took a little trip to my home town 我去我的家鄉做個小小旅行
I only stopped just to look around 我只停下來環顧四周
And as I walked along the thoroughfare 而當我沿著大街上走時
There was music playing ev'rywhere 到處有音樂播放
The music came from within my heart 音樂是來自我心中
How did it happen how did it start 它是如何發生的呢 它是如何開始的呢
I only know that I fell in love 我只知道我墜入了愛河
I guess the answer lies up above 我想答案就藏在上面
Oh what a feeling 多麼的一種感覺呀
My heart was reeling 我的心在滔滔不絕地講著
The bells were ringing 鐘聲正響了起來
The birds were singing 鳥在唱歌著
And so the music it goes on and on 於是音樂繼續下去
All through the night until the break of dawn 徹夜直到黎明破曉時
I hear a bird up in the tree 我聽到在樹上的一隻鳥
I hear him sing this melody 我聽到他唱了這曲旋律
And so he sings ya-ya-ya-ya ya-ya-ya-ya... 於是他唱了呀 呀 呀 呀
Oh what a feeling 多麼的一種感覺呀
My heart was reeling 我的心在滔滔不絕地講著
The bells were ringing 鐘聲正響了起來
The birds were singing 鳥在唱歌著
And so the music it goes on and on 於是音樂繼續下去
All through the night until the break of dawn 徹夜直到黎明破曉時
And that every evening when the sun goes down 而那每天在太陽西下的傍晚
I with my lover in my home town 我與我在家鄉的愛人
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